List of products by artists Sriwanichpoom Manit

Thaïlandais. Né en 1961 à Bangkok. Vit à Bangkok.
Represented by the Galerie VU'.

« Actor of the comtemporanery art scene in Bangkok, Manit Sriwanichpoom defines himself as an activist who uses photography since it allows him to shape rapidly up his points of view; his protests, his urges. He is utterly reactive, instantaneous.
And so, he realized an outstanding black and white serie of mise en scene, framed by heavy gilt, parodying photojournalism icons, in which napalm victims or fleeing refugees carrying luxury brands packagings. It was his answer to the South East Asian financial krach of the late eighties. He created a character, « Mister Pink », dressed with an intense pink silk suit, accompanied by a matching shopping trolley and cell phone which he uses to reveal and to denounce the consumerists foibles of our society .»

Christian Caujolle,Agence VU’ Galerie, Photo Poche n°107, Actes Sud

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