List of products by artists Hopkins Rip

Rip Hopkins is a member of Agence VU’ since 1996 Born in England in 1972, Rip Hopkins is always seeking new areas for experimentation. Today he lives in Bruxelles. During his studies at the Ecole nationale supérieure de Création industrielle de Paris, he devoted his time to photograph and documentary films with Médecins sans frontières. For more than ten years, he took an interest in endangered groups and people on the margins of society throughout the world. On the border between documentary photography and artistic expression, his work has been extensively exhibited and published. Thus, he says he “chose to develop in the artistic milieu, while revealing a documental approach to real contexts”. Today, Rip Hopkins is seeking new spaces for expression closer to home. The images he creates give an unusual view of our society. He concentrates with great finesse on the practice of colour, and passes with total freedom from landscapes to scenery or portraits. At the same time as working for the press, institutions, advertising, he has developed personal projects, always exploring the limits, the possibilities, the surprises of photography. His work is included in international private and public collections.

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