List of products by artists aman iman publishing

Aman Iman Publishing focuses on design of books, magazines and artists’ books highlighting works by photographers and artists. Publishing and pictures are at the service of a project or an idea, whether the conception of a printed book or an e-book, whether the organization of an exhibition, or the conception of participatory and pedagogical workshops.
Thanks to 15 years’ experience of its founder in the conduct of artistic or cultural projects, Aman Iman Publishing benefits in these areas of expertise to promote a subtle alliance between strategy, culture, creation
and innovation.

Aman Iman Publishing was founded by Vincent Marcilhacy, prevouisly at Agence VU and Executive Manager of Galerie VU until January 2012. Aman Iman Publishing builds its projects with the support of a collective and experienced team with partners such as Arnaud Bes de Berc for digital strategies, Guillaume Lebrun for visual and photographic ressources, Magali Peretti for graphic design or David Marcilhacy regarding editorial issues and directions.

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items